How to Learn Skateboard

Learn how to skateboarder beginners

How long does it take to learn skateboard?

This is a question that many aspiring skateboarders ask themselves when they first start learning this exhilarating sport. The truth is, the answer can vary depending on several factors. However, with consistent practice, patience, and dedication, anyone can learn how to skateboard and become proficient in basic skills in a matter of months.

Whether you are looking to learn how to cruise around your neighborhood or perform complex tricks in a skatepark, the process of learning how to skateboard can be both challenging and rewarding. Skateboarding is a fun and exciting sport that has been popular among people of all ages for several decades.

Statistics on Learning Skateboarding

According to a survey conducted by the Skateboarding Society of America (SSA), the average time it takes to learn to skateboard is around three months. However, this can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the age of the skater, their natural ability, and the amount of time they spend practicing.

The survey also found that the majority of skateboarders (around 70%) learn to skateboard between the ages of 6 and 12. Skateboarders who start at a younger age tend to learn faster and progress more quickly than those who start at an older age.

Some quick Tips on how to Learn Skateboarding

How long it takes to learn skateboarding can vary depending on a variety of factors such as your physical fitness level, your previous experience with other board sports, and your level of commitment to practicing consistently. In general, it takes an average of three to six months for most people to become proficient at basic skateboarding
skills. Here are some tips on master this thrilling sport:

Get the right gear

Before you start learning how to skateboard, it is important to have the right equipment. You will need a skateboard, appropriate shoes, and safety gear such as a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.

Learn the basics

Start by learning the basic stance, foot positioning, and pushing techniques. These fundamental skills will help you gain balance and control over your skateboard.

Practice consistently

Skateboarding requires consistent practice to improve your skills. Make a habit of practicing every day, even if it is just for a few minutes.

Learn from others

 Watch other skateboarders and learn from their techniques. Take classes or join a skateboarding community to learn from experienced skaters.

Take it slow

 Do not rush the learning process. Start with basic skills and progress gradually to more complex tricks.

Stay motivated

 Learning any new skill takes time and patience. Celebrate your progress and stay motivated by setting achievable goals for yourself.

Factors that could affect your Speed of Learning

Factors that can affect the time it takes to learn skateboarding include age, physical fitness level, previous experience with other board sports, and the amount of time dedicated to practice. In general, children and young adults may learn faster than older adults due to their faster reflexes and ability to learn new skills quickly. Additionally, people who are physically fit and have experience with other board sports such as snowboarding or surfing may also learn faster due to their existing balance and coordination skills.

learn how to skateboard

Tricks to faster learning

Here are some additional tips and tricks that can help you learn skateboarding faster and more effectively:

Start with a comfortable stance

There are two basic stances in skateboarding: regular and goofy. Regular stance is when your left foot is at the front of the board and goofy stance is when your right foot is at the front of the board. Experiment with both stances to find the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Master the push

 Pushing is one of the most basic skateboarding skills, but it can take some time to get used to. Practice pushing with your back foot while keeping your front foot on the board. Keep your weight over your front foot to maintain balance.

Learn how to turn

 Turning is another important skill that you will need to master in order to skateboard effectively. Start by practicing small turns on flat ground, and then gradually work your way up to more complex turns.

Focus on balance

Skateboarding requires a lot of balance, so it is important to focus on improving your balance skills. Practice standing on one foot, doing squats, and other exercises that help improve your balance.

Practice falling

Falling is a part of skateboarding, so it is important to learn how to do it safely. Practice falling on grass or other soft surfaces to reduce the risk of injury.

Learn how to stop

Stopping is an essential skill that you will need to learn in order to skateboard safely. Practice stopping by dragging your back foot on the ground or by using the tail of the board to stop.

Take breaks

Skateboarding can be physically demanding, so it is important to take breaks when you need them. Listen to your body and take a break if you start to feel tired or sore.

Have fun

Skateboarding is a fun and rewarding sport, so remember to enjoy the process and have fun with it!


By following these tips and tricks, you can learn skateboarding more effectively and become proficient in basic skills faster. Remember to stay safe, take your time, and have fun!

Learning how to skateboard takes time and dedication. With the right equipment, consistent practice, and a positive attitude, you can become proficient in basic skateboarding skills in as little as three to six months. Remember to take it slow, learn from others, and stay motivated to achieve your skateboarding goals.

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